Navigating the Job Hunt Rollercoaster: Unveiling the Mental Health Struggles
Job hunting. It is something we all experience in life. Whether you are a fresh graduate looking for your first professional role or an expert in your field already, the quest for professional growth can be exciting for some but challenging for others. The challenges uncover a hidden reality – the mental health struggles that accompany the job-hunting journey. In this blog post, we will explore the emotional struggles that many individuals may encounter as they seek new opportunities. We will also add our advice to overcome the struggles and to have a positive outlook on the journey in times of uncertainty.
The Anxiety of Uncertainty: Using Your Support System
Job hunting is synonymous with uncertainty. Constantly waiting to hear back from employers, the anticipation of responses, and the fear of the unknown are all elements of applying for a role that can induce significant anxiety. In this process, applicants are likely to ask themselves questions such as, “I really liked the look of that job. Will I ever hear back?” or “What if I’m not qualified enough?”. Acknowledging these uncertainties is the first step towards managing the associated anxiety. The market competitiveness, economic fluctuations, and the challenge of finding suitable job opportunities can hinder your ability to maintain a steady job search. However, acknowledging these uncertainties is the first step towards managing the associated anxiety. Finding support through friends or family and surrounding yourself with people who appreciate you for qualities beyond your professional role and can distract your mind from the anxieties of job hunting is a great way to remain positive.
Imposter Syndrome Creep: Setting Realistic Goals
As rejection emails and unanswered applications pile up, the insidious imposter syndrome can make an appearance. People who struggle with imposter syndrome often believe that they are undeserving of their achievements and the high esteem in which they are, in fact, generally held (https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/basics/imposter-syndrome), and job seekers may begin to doubt their abilities and question their worthiness in the professional arena. Some individuals with imposter syndrome compensate by overworking and striving for perfection. This can lead to burnout and increased stress during the job hunt as they constantly seek validation through their achievements. It is important to recognise the thoughts and to counter them, to focus on positive affirmations and your accomplishments, as opposed to comparing them to others. Setting realistic goals by breaking down your job search goals into smaller, achievable steps is a way to focus on progress rather than perfection and celebrate your achievements along the way.
The Endless Comparison Game: Taking breaks
Comparisons are inevitable in the digital age. Social media platforms often serve as highlight reels, showcasing others’ achievements and seemingly smooth career journeys. Constant exposure to others’ success stories tends to fuel the comparisons, leading to feelings of inadequacy. Taking breaks from social media allows you to disconnect from the pressure of comparing yourself to others can also lead to more productivity in the job hunt. Remember that everyone’s path is unique, and success takes various forms. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments, no matter how small.
The Perils of Rejection: Turning a negative into a positive
Rejection is an inevitable part of the job-hunting process. Once rejection is accepted, it can turn into a positive. While each job rejection may sting personally, affecting one’s self-esteem and confidence, it’s essential to perceive rejection as redirection. Consider every setback an opportunity to enhance self-awareness and resilience, enabling better handling of disappointment. Seeking feedback when possible is a great way to learn and use it to strengthen your future applications. If you do not hear back from an employer after applying for a role you were keen on, it is worth calling the business to follow up and ask on the process of your application. This process can help potentially eliminate uncertainty on that specific application.
Job Hunt Burnout: Knowing When to Rest
Job hunt burnout occurs when the prolonged stress and uncertainty of seeking employment and can lead to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. It’s akin to hitting a wall after an extended period of searching for a job. Individuals experiencing job hunt burnout feel drained of energy, lose motivation, and struggle to maintain momentum in their search efforts. This state of burnout can manifest as fatigue, decreased productivity, feelings of hopelessness, and even physical symptoms such as headaches or muscle tension. When you notice these signs, it is essential to listen to your body and mind and give yourself permission to take a break. Taking time to rest, relax, and engage in activities that recharge you can help prevent further burnout and ultimately make you more effective in your job search efforts.
Embarking on a job search journey is undoubtedly challenging, and the mental health struggles that accompany it are genuine. Prioritising mental health during the job hunt is paramount. Establish a routine that includes self-care activities, exercise, and moments of relaxation. Reach out to a support network of friends, family, or mentors who can provide encouragement and perspective. By comprehending and acknowledging the emotional toll it may exert, establishing achievable expectations, fostering resilience, prioritizing self-care, and seeking assistance, you can sustain your mental wellness. Remember, finding the right job is a process, not a race, and taking care of your mental health is the most important part of the journey.